Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The all-important Thanksgiving Holiday!

Last week I wrote about the beginning of the holiday season. The holidays actually begin with Thanksgiving.  But does the rest of the world realize that?  With holiday songs playing on the radio already and Christmas decorations adorned on houses and in stores,  does the world overlook Thanksgiving altogether?

Many retailers this year are actually planning their "Black Friday Specials" on Thanksgiving day.  What happened to Thanksgiving being a day of relaxation with family, sitting together, eating, sharing blessings, playing board games or watching football?

I recognize that there are some superb deals out there that can really make a difference for someones holiday budget.  But on Thanksgiving day?  Why do the retailers keep pushing the "holiday shopping" time up? The day after is deemed as the "biggest shopping day of the year".  Let us enjoy our Thanksgiving.  I know that I will be spending my Thanksgiving with my family, enjoying each other's company, our food and just the pure joy of relaxing and being together.  There are plenty of shopping days left....

How will you be spending your Thanksgiving holiday?

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