Thursday, December 8, 2011

Annual Christmas tree cutting

This past weekend we took our annual trip to our local Christmas tree farm.  The past few years there has been snow on the ground which despite trudging through the inches of the white stuff did make for a very festive event.  But no snow this year!

We bundled ourselves up and headed over.  I get such joy watching each of my three kids run from tree to tree picking out "the perfect one."  All my husband and I hear throughout the farm is, "Mom, Dad, I found it, look at this wait how about this one over here?" They examine each and everyone numerous times checking the height, how wide and how soft or hard the needles are.

My son who is now 13 excitingly has taken over the role of cutting the tree down.  He feels so proud now that he has taken over his Dad's job. Taking such care to make the perfect cut.  After pictures all five of us grab a part of the tree and carry it to the truck.  We then head over to the campfire for some hot chocolate and toasted marshmallows.  What a perfect December day! Now on to decorating....

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